The Ride
The Ride - Routes, stops and schedules
The The Ride is a public transportation agency in Detroit - Ann Arbor, MI that provides bus services.
In Detroit - Ann Arbor, MI, The Ride operates 30 bus routes with 835 stops.
All The Ride lines in Detroit - Ann Arbor, MI
3Huron River
22Pontiac - Dhu Varren
24Eisenhower - Golfside
25Ann Arbor - Saline Rd
26Scio Church
27W Stadium - Oak Valley
30Jackson Rd
31Dexter Ave
32Miller - Maple
34Maple - Dexter
42Forest - MacArthur
43E Michigan Ave
44Ecorse - Tyler
46Paint Creek
47Harriet - W Michigan
61U-M Miller
62U-M - State
63U-M - Pontiac
64Geddes - E Stadium
65U-M - Downtown - Green
66Carpenter - Huron Pkwy
68Harris - Ford
Facts about The Ride
The Ride fare information
The prices and expenses associated with various ticket categories are subject to fluctuations influenced by multiple factors. For the most up-to-date details concerning travel charges and convenient online purchase of bus tickets, we recommend visiting the official website of The Ride. Keep in mind that prices are dynamic and may vary, so it's best to verify them directly on the company's website.
The Ride schedule
If you're searching for the The Ride schedule in Detroit - Ann Arbor, MI, you can easily find all the lines and timings on their website.
The Ride contact information