2222 Line
Windsor Transit Terminal - Lca
Transit Windsor
Transit Windsor 2222 Bus Stops and Route Schedule
The 2222 Bus (Windsor Transit Terminal - Lca) is a route with 12 stops, departing from Windsor Transit Terminal and ending at its Lca.
Windsor Transit Terminal
Goyeau at Pitt
City Hall Square
Canada Tunnel Plaza Duty Free
Jefferson at Randolph
Jefferson at Woodward
Jefferson at Griswold
Washington at Jefferson
Washington at Lafayette
Cass at Michigan
Grand River at 2nd
2222 Bus schedule
Day | Operating Hours | Frequency |
Sun | 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM | 1 hr |
Mon | 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM | 1 hr |
Tue | 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM | 1 hr |
Wed | 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM | 1 hr |
Thu | 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM | 1 hr |
Fri | 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM | 1 hr |
Sat | 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM | 1 hr |
2222 Bus Route Map
The route map for 2222 in Windsor will be available soon.
2222 Line Bus fare information
Transit Windsor, 2222 Bus fare may fluctuate due to various factors. For detailed information on ticket costs, please visit their official website.
More routes Transit Windsor in Windsor
- 42 — Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Ct - St Clair College Front Entrance
- 1A — Devonshire Mall at Cineplex - Windsor Transit Terminal
- 5 — St Clair College Front Entrance - Windsor Transit Terminal
- 605 — Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare - Lowes Sideroad at Dalhousie
- 418X — Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare - Tecumseh Mall Rear Entrance
- 10 — Tecumseh Mall Rear Entrance - Tecmseh Mall Rear Entrance
- 518X — Tecmseh Mall Rear Entrance - St Clair College Front Entrance
- 2 — Tecumseh Mall Rear Entrance - Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare
- 7 — Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare - Legacy Park at Costco
- 1C — Forest Glade at Mulberry - Wildwood at Forest Glade
- 6 — St Clair College Front Entrance - Transit Terminal at Chatham
- 14 — Devonshire Mall at Cineplex - Transit Terminal at Chatham
- 3 — Transit Centre Front Entrance - Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare
- 25 — Morton at Ojibway - St Clair College Front Entrance
- 4 — Essex Way at Meadowbrook - Transit Windsor Terminal
- 8 — Sixth Concession at North Talbot - Transit Terminal Church at Pitt