17 Line
University Centre North Loop Platform 7
Guelph 17 Bus Stops and Route Schedule
The 17 Bus (University Centre North Loop Platform 7) operates as a circular route with 70 stops, starting from University Centre North Loop Platform 7.
University Centre North Loop Platform 7
Stone at Research Westbound
175 Stone Westbound
Stone at Edinburgh Westbound
Stone at Stone Road Mall Westbound
Stone at Scottsdale Westbound
Stone Road Mall Platform 2
Scottsdale at Wilsonview Northbound
268 Scottsdale Northbound
Scottsdale at College Northbound
College at Centennial Westbound
659 Wellington Westbound
Wellington at Imperial Westbound
Fife at Wellington Westbound
Fife at Gateway Westbound
Fife at Deerfield Westbound
Elmira at West Acres Northbound
Elmira at Freshmeadow Northbound
Elmira at Stephanie Northbound
Elmira at Paisley Northbound
Opposite 19 Elmira Northbound
Elmira at Tovell Northbound
Willow at Flaherty Eastbound
Imperial at Willow Northbound
Imperial at Dunhill Northbound
Imperial at Westwood Northbound
Imperial at Speedvale Northbound
Speedvale at Conestoga College Eastbound
Royal at Arc Industries Northbound
Royal at Massey Northbound
Massey at Imperial Westbound
Imperial at Woodlawn Northbound
Woodlawn at Royal Eastbound
Woodlawn at Regal Eastbound
Woodlawn at Silvercreek Eastbound
Woodlawn at Arrow Eastbound
Woodlawn at Dawson Eastbound
Woodlawn at Edinburgh Eastbound
Woodlawn at Nicklin Eastbound
Woodlawn Smart Centres Southbound
Woodlawn at Woolwich Eastbound
21 Woodlawn Eastbound
Woodlawn at Speed River Eastbound
Woodlawn at Fairway Eastbound
Woodlawn at Golfview Eastbound
Inverness at Glenbrook Northbound
Inverness at Wilton Northbound
Victoria at Norma Southbound
Victoria at Woodlawn Southbound
Victoria at Delta Southbound
Victoria at Speedvale Southbound
Victoria at Eramosa Southbound
Victoria at Greenview Southbound
Eastview at Glenburnie Eastbound
Eastview at Mountford Eastbound
Eastview at Auden Eastbound
Eastview at Summit Ridge Eastbound
Eastview at Watson Eastbound
Watson at Shackleton Southbound
Watson at Grange Southbound
Watson at Fleming Southbound
Watson at Starwood Southbound
York at Watson Westbound
York at Yorkhaven Westbound
York at Cityview Westbound
York at Beaumont Westbound
Victoria at York Southbound
Stone at Victoria Westbound
Stone at Oakdale Westbound
University Centre North Loop Platform 7
17 Bus schedule
Day | Operating Hours | Frequency |
Sun | 9:44 AM - 6:20 PM | 5 min |
Mon | 5:45 AM - 11:50 PM | 25 min |
Tue | 5:45 AM - 11:50 PM | 25 min |
Wed | 5:45 AM - 11:50 PM | 25 min |
Thu | 5:45 AM - 11:50 PM | 25 min |
Fri | 5:45 AM - 11:50 PM | 25 min |
Sat | Not Operational | Not Operational |
17 Bus Route Map
The route map for 17 in Toronto will be available soon.
17 Line Bus fare information
Guelph, 17 Bus fare may fluctuate due to various factors. For detailed information on ticket costs, please visit their official website.
More routes Guelph in Toronto
- 99 — Gosling at Clair Northbound - Woodlawn Smart Centres Northbound
- 19 — Clair at Gordon Westbound - Clair at Gosling Eastbound
- 1 — University Centre South Loop Platform 4
- 10 — Guelph Central Station Platform 19 - Guelph Central Station Platform 22
- 11 — Guelph Central Station Platform 4 - Guelph Central Station Platform 20
- 13 — Guelph Central Station Platform 5
- 4 — Guelph Central Station Platform 2 - Guelph Central Station Platform 3
- 2 — University Centre North Loop Platform 11 - University Centre North Loop Platform 10
- 16 — Clair at Gordon Westbound - Poppy at Gordon Westbound
- 18 — University Centre South Loop Platform 6
- 8 — Guelph Central Station Platform 3 - Guelph Central Station Platform 2
- 12 — Guelph Central Station Platform 22 - Guelph Central Station Platform 19
- 6 — University Centre South Loop Platform 3 - University Centre South Loop Platform 1
- 15 — University Centre North Loop Platform 10 - University Centre North Loop Platform 11
- 3 — Guelph Central Station Platform 21
- 5 — University Centre North Loop Platform 9
- 20 — Guelph Central Station Platform 1
- 7 — University Centre South Loop Platform 1 - University Centre South Loop Platform 3
- 14 — Guelph Central Station Platform 20 - Guelph Central Station Platform 4
- 9 — Guelph Central Station Platform 6 - Guelph Central Station Platform 1