13 Line
Utica Station Utica Station Static - Main Street University Station Stat
NFTA 13 Bus Stops and Route Schedule
The 13 Bus (Utica Station Utica Station Static - Main Street University Station Stat) is a route with 48 stops, departing from Utica Station Utica Station Static and ending at its Main Street University Station Stat.
Utica Station Utica Station Static
Michigan Avenue East Ferry North
East Ferry Street Masten Avenue Eas
East Ferry Street Purdy Street East
East Ferry Street Jefferson Avenue
East Ferry Street 347 East Ferry St
East Ferry Street Wohlers Avenue Ea
East Ferry Street 489 East Ferry St
East Ferry Street Humboldt Parkway
East Ferry Street Humboldt Parkway
East Ferry Street Fillmore Avenue E
East Ferry St And 663 East Ferry St
East Ferry Street True Bethel Bapti
Grider Street Ferry Street North Fa
Grider Street Scajaquada Street Nor
Grider Street Northland Avenue Nort
Grider Street East Delavan Avenue N
Grider Street Litchfield Avenue Nor
Grider Street Sussex Street North
Grider Street Fernhill Avenue North
Grider Street Ecmc Terrace View Car
Grider Street Ecmc Ambulatory Cente
Grider Street Ecmc Main Entrance So
Grider Street Litchfield Avenue Nor
Grider Street Sussex Street North
Grider Street Fernhill Avenue North
Grider Street Kensington Avenue Nor
Kensington Avenue Deerfield Avenue
Kensington Avenue Wyoming Avenue Ea
Kensington Avenue William Gaiter Pa
Kensington Avenue Northumberland Av
Kensington Avenue Olympic Avenue Ea
Kensington Avenue Copsewood Avenue
Bailey Avenue Kensington Avenue Nor
Bailey Avenue Amherst Street North
Bailey Avenue Stockbridge Avenue No
Bailey Avenue Dartmouth Avenue Nort
Bailey Avenue Minnesota Avenue Nort
Bailey Avenue Rounds Avenue North
Bailey Avenue Winspear Avenue North
Bailey Avenue Veterans Hospital Nor
Bailey Avenue Ub Dental School Nort
Bailey Avenue Michael Rd North Oppo
Bailey Avenue Main Street North
Main Street Callodine Avenue South
Main Street University Plaza West N
Main Street Kenmore Ave West
Main Street University Station Stat
13 Bus schedule
Day | Operating Hours | Frequency |
Sun | 12:10 AM - 10:40 PM | 1 hr |
Mon | 4:55 AM - 11:05 PM | 30 min |
Tue | 12:05 AM - 11:05 PM | 30 min |
Wed | 12:05 AM - 11:05 PM | 30 min |
Thu | 12:05 AM - 11:05 PM | 30 min |
Fri | 12:05 AM - 11:05 PM | 30 min |
Sat | 12:05 AM - 11:10 PM | 39 min |
13 Bus Route Map
The route map for 13 in Buffalo will be available soon.
13 Line Bus fare information
NFTA, 13 Bus fare may fluctuate due to various factors. For detailed information on ticket costs, please visit their official website.
More routes NFTA in Buffalo
- 44 — Main Street University Station Stat - Locust Street Main Street North Far
- 6 — Galleria Driveway Green Parking Ent - Lower Terrace Adams Mark South
- 32 — Walden Avenue Thruway Transit Cente - Niagara St Blackrock Transit Hub We
- 42 — Union Road Southgate Plaza Static M - Mohawk Street Ellicott Street West
- 69 — Central Avenue Broadway North Farsi - Lower Terrace Adams Mark South
- 64 — Locust Street Main Street North Far - South Division Street Ellicott Loop
- 40 — Portage Road Nf Transportation Cent - Ellicott Street Mtc Static
- 3 — Vulcan Street Vulcan Loop Static - South Division Street Ellicott Loop
- 74 — Main Street Buffalo Street West - South Division Street Ellicott Loop
- 19 — Bailey Avenue Abbott Road Static - Main Street University Station Stat
- 81 — Main Street University Station Stat - Washington Street South Division St
- 8 — Main Street Jersey Left Static - Wilkeson Way Larivere Drive South F
- 61 — Niagara Street Main Street East Nea - South Division Street Ellicott Loop
- 26 — Walden Avenue Thruway Transit Cente - Delavan Avenue Niagara Street East
- 18 — Hayward Street South Park Avenue So - Main Street Delavan/Canisius Colleg
- 34 — Main Street University Station Stat - Hazelwood Dr. Woodridge Dr. West
- 23 — Niagara St Blackrock Transit Hub We - Bailey Avenue Abbott Road Static
- 70 — Fillmore Avenue Riley Street East - Lower Terrace Adams Mark South
- 11 — Paramount Parkway Paramount Loop St - South Division Street Ellicott Loop
- 155 — South Rainbow Blvd 1st Street South - Nfia Driveway Nfia Static